This is simply a movie about the Rapture. The two most important questions that we can ever ask are for God to answer. "I'm I saved and will I get LEFT BEHIND?"

A Movie and Message Worth Sharing for 2019"

  • 1

    Our Course - A Few Words

    • Sunday-Morning-Rapture-the-Course

  • 2

    Course Certificate - Everyone will recieve upon completion of course

    • Are You Ready for the Rapture?

  • 3

    Sunday Morning Rapture (the Movie) 1 hr. and 10 minutes

    • Movie - Sunday Morning Rapture

    • Movie Survey

  • 4

    So, What is the Rapture ?

    • So-What-is-the-Rapture

    • Video Lesson - What is the Rapture of the Church?

    • Video Lesson Survey

  • 5

    End of Course Survey - Let us Know How you liked this Course

    • End of Course Survey

    • Movie Credits and Video Credits

  • 6

    How You Can Help Support Our Ministry?

    • You-can-help-support-our-ministry

About the instructor

Pastor and Senior Instructor

Lloyd Glover

Pastor of I AM for Christ Ministries. 25 years' experience in the ministry. Graduate of World Harvest Bible College and the School of the Spirit. A student of Life as an Overcomer and learned experience living several months in Israel. Certified Professional Trainer and Motivational speaker. Overseer of two International Christian Websites. I have the heart and desire to see that every Christian is trained to be an Effective Witness and Soul Winner for Christ.

If you enjoyed this movie and you want to learn more about Salvation or want to share Salvation with other. Sign up for our first lesson entitled "A Message on Savation.  You will be blessed. Amen