How many times have you listened to someone speaking about the bible and you had to shake your head because they did not know what they were talking about? The bible says in 2 Timothy 2:15 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” Reading and studying and what we say to others about the bible is very important to all of us as believers and representatives of Christ. The purpose of our training courses is to give you a better understand of your part in the advancement of God's Kingdom. Many of you are volunteers serving God's people in various positions and others are ministers or Wedding Officiants looking for credentials. The purpose of our ministry is to help you accomplish your personal goals and dreams. We provide Certificates of Excellence upon completion of each of our training courses.

"How to Activate and Release Your Faith"

  • 1

    How to Activate and Release Your Faith Introduction

    • Introduction How-to-Activate-and-Release-Your-Faith

    • Course-Objective-How-to-Release-and-Active-Your-Faith

    • Course Certificate

    • Video Lesson - Give Me Faith

  • 2

    Lesson #1 - How to Activate Your Faith

    • Lesson-1-How-to-Activate-Your-Faith

    • What is Faith

    • Video Lesson - How to Activate Your Faith for Anointing Power

    • Bible Study Tool - How to Effectively Study the Bible

    • Research Assignment - Web Resources on Activating and Releasing Your Faith

    • Activate Your Faith - Stephanie Ike

  • 3

    Lesson #2 - How to Release Your Faith

    • Lesson-2-How-to-Release-Your-Faith

    • Video Lesson - Putting Faith to Work

    • HOW TO RELEASE YOUR FAITH by Bishop RC Blakes

    • Episode 468 Learn How to Release Your Faith!

  • 4

    End of Course Test and Motivation Video

    • Take the Test on Activating and Releasing Your Faith

    • Video Sermon - THE FAITH PERSPECTIVE

    • Motivational Video - Faith Can Move Mountains

About the instructor

Pastor and Senior Instructor

Lloyd Glover

Pastor of I AM for Christ Ministries. 25 years' experience in the ministry. Graduate of World Harvest Bible College and the School of the Spirit. A student of Life as an Overcomer and learned experience living several months in Israel. Certified Professional Trainer and Motivational speaker. Overseer of two International Christian Websites. I have the heart and desire to see that every Christian is trained to be an Effective Witness and Soul Winner for Christ.

Answer the call of the Great Commission. This is your time and your season to step into faith. God has called you to be an effective witness for his Kingdom.

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